
FOTOS: El príncipe George celebra tres años de edad

Por: Redacción CENTRAL 22 julio 2016 • 1 minutos de lectura

Sus papás conmemoraron la fecha con unas fotografías especiales, en las que luce más tierno que nunca


Foto: AFP Photo/ Matt Porteous

Redacción: Central

Este 22 de julio los duques de Cambridge conmemoran el tercer aniversario del nacimiento de su primogénito, el príncipe George, tercero en la línea de sucesión al trono del Reino Unido.

Para celebrar su cumpleaños, el príncipe William y Kate Middleton compartieron algunas fotografías del pequeño niño tomadas por Matt Porteous en la casa de la familia en Norfolk a finales de mes.

“Realmente disfruté la oportunidad de tomar estas fotos del príncipe George. Todo fue en una atmósfera muy relajada y disfrutable. Fue un honor que compartieran estas imágenes con el público para conmemorar su tercer cumpleaños”, declaró el fotógrafo.

Can’t believe it’s been three years already! The Duke and Duchess would like to thank everyone for all the lovely messages they have received for Prince George’s 3rd birthday, and are delighted to share four new photographs of Prince George to mark his third birthday, taken by photographer Matt Porteous at their home in Norfolk in mid-July. Una foto publicada por Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) el 22 de Jul de 2016 a la(s) 1:34 PDT

“Los duques esperan que la gente disfrute estas nuevas fotografías. Quieren agradecer a todos por los tiernos mensajes que han recibido”, declaró un vocero del palacio de Kensington.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge would like to thank everyone for all the lovely messages they have received for Prince George’s 3rd birthday. The Duke and Duchess are delighted to share four new photographs of Prince George to mark his third birthday, taken by photographer Matt Porteous at their home in Norfolk in mid-July. Una foto publicada por Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) el 22 de Jul de 2016 a la(s) 1:33 PDT

El príncipe George debuta en un timbre postal en el cumpleaños de su bisabuela

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are delighted to share four new photographs of Prince George to mark his third birthday. Photographer Matt Porteous said: “I really enjoyed the opportunity to take these photographs of Prince George. It was a very relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. I’m honoured that they have decided to share these images with the public to mark his third birthday.” Una foto publicada por Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) el 22 de Jul de 2016 a la(s) 1:31 PDT

El príncipe George conoce a Barack Obama

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are delighted to share four new photographs of Prince George to mark his third birthday. They were taken by photographer Matt Porteous at their home in Norfolk in mid-July. A spokesman for Kensington Palace said: “The Duke and Duchess hope that people will enjoy seeing these new photographs. They would like to thank everyone for all the lovely messages they have received as Prince George celebrates his third birthday.” Una foto publicada por Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal) el 22 de Jul de 2016 a la(s) 1:30 PDT